Students trip to Rome
Purpose of the Trip to Rome This trip aims to provide students with a comprehensive cultural and historical understanding of Rome, enhancing their academic studies by exploring the principles of Project Management through firsthand experiences. Students will relate historical projects and landmarks [...]
Alumni Symposium 2023
Join us for our Alumni Symposium to be held on December 15, 2023 from 16:30 to 19:00! Connect with fellow graduates, reminisce about the good old days, and dive into insightful discussions on industry trends. Save the date and stay tuned for [...]
Startup week 2024
Join Coventry University students from all over France for a week of experiencing being part of a startup. Learn how to set up and run a company. Apply theory to real life. Work with experts. Start networking! Take on the challenges. Sign [...]
Study trip to Munich
Coventry University MSc International Project Management students in Paris are currently on an international study trip to Munich, Germany. Enjoying fascinating insights into the evolution of the BMW brand over the years and into the 'backstage' of [...]
Start Up Week
What a week! Fostering innovation in business, Albert de Mun - Paris and Stellum International hosted its second Start Up Week for students in Paris. 56 students gathered together to explore the process of creation of companies from [...]